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Join us on Wednesday, February 19 at 7pm with Author and Activist Loretta Ross with her new book "Calling In: How to Start Making Change with Those You'd Rather Cancel." This is a free event and all are welcome! Please RSVP here.

The NEW Fillmore Choir presents Rachmaninoff's All-Night Vigil – Get tickets here!
Saturday, March 1  •  7:30pm  •  Suggested Donation $25

Calvary's Blog

Hear from Calvary's many voices.
These blogs are written by our staff and congregation members.

Community Grows Here - Picture of 200+ person congregation gathered on Calvary Steps
By Rachel Wolf March 15, 2024
Download the PDF of the 2023 Annual Report (15MB)
2 large doves carrying olive leaves in their mouth. The title reads
By Rev. Joann Lee February 18, 2024
Download 2024's Lenten Bible Study Guide.
Families of all ages working on Advent wreaths with candles and holiday greens.
By Alison Faison December 14, 2023
Do simple activities or read books together.
Compost bins in a garden. Lots of leaves and dirt.
By Alison Faison November 30, 2023
Create hope by composting alongside kids.
Heart collage with lots of words and inclusive messaging
By Alison Faison October 20, 2023
Provide an open, calm, and safe space to talk.
An Old, Historical Image of Calvary Building
By Alison Faison July 25, 2023
Occasionally I hear comments to the effect of, “Calvary’s recent highlighting of political issues can deter people from attending worship services.” My response is something like, “Since July 23, 1854, for 169 years, Calvary has been addressing human rights issues directly related to Jesus’ radical welcome. In 2020, we, along with many congregations across the U.S., became a Matthew 25 church that outwardly proclaims our commitment to...
Summer Berries in a Bowl
By Alison Faison June 28, 2023
Summer is a busy time for families as they shift from the school-year schedules to summer camps, programs, and vacations. How does church fit into families’ summer schedules? Many years ago, Calvary held summer worship services in the chapel and did not offer childcare.
Equality vs Equity - 3 People Standing at a Fence, One Side Can't See Over The Fence, The Other Can
By Racial Equity Initiative Team June 16, 2023
The REI Planning Team has set our goals for 2023.  We will continue to pursue some of our goals from 2022, but we also added a new goal related to...
Juneteenth Freedom Day Colors
By Alison Faison June 13, 2023
Join the Calvary Racial Equity Initiative (REI) Team after worship this Sunday, June 18, to celebrate our newest Federal holiday and the oldest known holiday that observes the end of slavery in the U.S. Enjoy Coffee Hour with treats from a local Black-owned business and information about Black heroes.
Violence and Hate Stop With Me
By Alison Faison May 30, 2023
Read about current gun violence statistics and how to help put an end to senseless violence.
Facts about the U.S. Foster Care System
By Alison Faison May 16, 2023
Learn about Foster Care Awareness Month
By Alison Faison May 8, 2023
“Cynecism is ungrieved grief.” I thought about this quote a lot after reading Traci Smith’s free Treasure Box Tuesday email. She, a children’s minister and author, quotes pastor and author, Rob Bell, who probably officiated many memorials and heard countless stories of grief from congregation members.
Stacked Stones on a Beach
By Alison Faison May 3, 2023
We are thrilled to have experienced eight Monday night Kundalini Yoga classes at Calvary this spring. Rocky Blumhagen and Laura Paradis taught yoga postures, breathing techniques, all while playing lovely music, a gong or the crystal singing bowls.
Tape Art
By Alison Faison April 17, 2023
It used to take me hours to make a mix tape. Children and youth can now easily curate their songs into playlists and instantly share with family and friends. They receive recommendations for other similar playlists and learn about new artists and songs of the same genre.
By Alison Faison March 21, 2023
If I visited Calvary for the first time and had not been to a Presbyterian church before, I would want someone to help me understand what I was doing throughout the order of worship. This blog provides an example of how some churches annotate their bulletins so children, youth, and adults can learn more about why we choose to read, sing, pray, and listen at certain times during the worship service.
Believe Trans Youth
By Alison Faison March 9, 2023
Calvary Presbyterian Church continues to support transgender youth and adults. March 2023 is Transgender Awareness Month. We show our continuing support through messages such as, “Trans Lives Matter,” “Believe Trans Kids,” “Support Trans Kids,” and “Protect Trans Kids.”
Annual Report Cover - San Francisco Skyline
By Rachel Wolf February 24, 2023
Download Calvary’s 2022 Annual Report in PDF format.
Kids Toy Cashiers and Banks with a Tiny Jesus Toy
By Alison Faison February 22, 2023
Lent is a time for you and your child to prayerfully reflect and reconnect with God. Taking a walk to observe changes in nature can reveal the Lenten story. The seed grows in the darkness into a flower blooming in the light. Jesus walks in the wilderness, experiences a harrowing last week on earth, and then is risen at Easter.
By Alison Faison February 9, 2023
It is my hope that the senior adults who submitted poems, paintings, and fiber art will be witnessed by children, youth, young adults, and adults, but also share their wisdom and encouragement with those folks. I look forward to our second church-wide intergenerational art show.
Lenten Bible Study - Many Ancient Coins
By Rachel Wolf February 8, 2023
Lent is a time to prayerfully reflect and reconnect with God. You are invited to join us on a Lenten journey to deepen our faith and deepen our community as...
By Alison Faison January 20, 2023
People living in San Francisco, China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Mongolia, and all over the world celebrate Lunar New Year. The holiday begins on Sunday, January 22 and continues for a week. 2023 is the year of the Rabbit. San Francisco activities kicked off with the Flower Fair on January 14 and will last through the annual Grand Parade on February 4.
By Alison Faison January 4, 2023
Calvary Presbyterian Church welcomes families of all faiths. At Calvary, many families have one parent who practices Christianity and another parent who practices another faith or is agnostic or atheist. We can create opportunities to welcome each other and hear each other's faith perspectives.
Color by Number of a Rose
By Alison Faison December 21, 2022
This morning I drank coffee, ate breakfast, and lit candles: twelve connected in a circle, the 4th candle on the menorah, and the four Advent candles on the angel chimes. It is Winter Solstice, also known as the Longest Night. Tonight we will celebrate a long night transition which generations of our ancestors have experienced.
By Alison Faison November 29, 2022
The next time you are at childcare or Sunday Studio, please pick up a free copy of Rebecca Kirkpatrick’s book 100 Things Every Child Should Know Before Confirmation. This book focuses on the practice of planting the seed of faith, feeding the soil of each child’s soul, and watching children and youth grow.
Sanctified Art - A blue-tonedJoseph sleeping with Gold Accents
By Rachel Wolf November 24, 2022
Download the 2022 Advent Devotional Booklet.
A t-shirt that says
By Alison Faison November 7, 2022
How does supporting a targeted person relate to church and being in relationship with others in a Christ-like way? Wherever humans are, divisions can be created. Like Jesus, we need to know how to show up, de-escalate, be present, ask for help, ignore attackers, respect targeted people, and then have the courage to follow up with the situation until it is addressed and supported.
An Art Collage Forming a Heart
By Alison Faison October 25, 2022
“‘How are you showing up today?’ That’s a language we use a lot,” Thomas-Bush said. “As a person of faith, how are we going to show up loving our neighbor, loving ourselves?”
By Alison Faison September 26, 2022
We as parents or adults working with children and teens know that our actions stick in the minds of our children more than our words. If we create time to be with our children and teens, they notice. How does this act of being present figure into the Pew Research Center’s 2020 survey data about teens and their approach to religion and spirituality?
By Alison Faison September 14, 2022
We hear “God is doing a new thing!” in Isaiah 43:19 and wonder how our world can be as new as it was in the days before Jesus. We talk about “a new heaven and a new earth” in Revelation 21 and wonder what that looks like for us.
People walking a stone labyrinth
By Alison Faison August 25, 2022
I hope to carry these sustaining life practices of connecting with friends and family, doing yoga and music, and being present into my daily work world. They increase my hope and faith in God’s abundance, grace, and connection.
By Racial Equity Initiative Team July 21, 2022
Join the Calvary community in reading a book together this summer!
Alison dancing on the Sanctuary Stage
By Alison Faison June 9, 2022
I invite you to find a physical practice that helps you feel some sense of liberation or freedom. Jesus calls us to be free from things that hold us back from connecting directly with God who is always there. Dancing helps us celebrate, release, prepare us for rest and let go, so that we can connect more fully with the divine. We can engage our freedom to advocate for safety and autonomy of others.
Book Cover and Author Image -
By Racial Equity Initiative Team June 5, 2022
As we prepare to celebrate Juneteenth, it's important to take the time to learn more about this important holiday.
Zoom Call with Attendees
By Racial Equity Initiative Team May 11, 2022
Presbyterian Church (USA) urged to ‘be a repairer of the breach’ created by systemic racism.
By Alison Faison May 11, 2022
After reading a post from our children’s former preschool director, I arrived at work, cut out a yellow circle, and wrote “I Wouldn’t Be Here (at work) Without Childcare” on it. We have survived as a family in San Francisco because of my education job at Calvary in tandem with all of the childcare and camps we have accessed while raising our two children.
SF Achiever class members - graduation photo
By Racial Equity Initiative Team May 9, 2022
Congratulations SF Achievers Class of 2022!
Children's Garden with Bright Flowers
By Alison Faison April 21, 2022
Children innately know earth care by their play. They climb trees, sift sand, mix mud pies, and run in the grass with butterflies. They want to savor what the earth gives them. What can we do each day to observe and appreciate nature?
Photographic Shot of the Golden Gate Bridge
By Racial Equity Initiative Team April 14, 2022
Calvary partners with other Presbyterian churches on faith-based racial equity initiatives.
An illustration of grass and tall flowers
By Robin Morjikian April 8, 2022
Thank you for Supporting Calvary’s Ministry and Mission JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP & REFRESHMENTS AT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING GATHERINGS Sunday, May 1, 3 – 5 pm St. Francis Wood...
The book
By Alison Faison March 22, 2022
Walking with children through the dramatic stories of Holy Week can be exhausting, but also connective. The book, "Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter" written by Laura Alary and illustrated by Ann Boyajian, walks adults and young children through the first Sunday of Lent all the way through the tough events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and ends in the glory of the Easter story.
By Racial Equity Initiative Team March 18, 2022
Goals for 2022 have been set by the Racial Equity Initiative team
By Alison Faison March 16, 2022
“I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!”
A fresh basket of raspberries
By Alison Faison February 28, 2022
Most grandparents want a grandchild to open their gift right away, so that they can see the child’s expression, reaction, and connection to the gift. Some of us, as adult children, have a parent’s or grandparent’s voice in our head that encourages restraint, “Don’t use it. Save it for a rainy day. Keep it nice and it will last longer.”
2021 Annual Report
By Session February 25, 2022
Download the 2021 Calvary Presbyterian Church Annual Report in PDF format
Alison at SF Pride wearing a Free Mom Hugs t-shirt
By Alison Faison February 15, 2022
When faced with a moment of defeat, depression or sadness, giving ourselves empathy is often the last thing we do.
A cup filled
By Reverend Joann February 11, 2022
Join us this year for a Lenten Small Group Bible Study experience. Whether you're new to Bible study and small groups or whether it's your favorite part of church, all are welcome! Bible Study times and locations listed here (both online and in-person options will be available) to sign up.
A photo of Rev. Victor Floyd as a wee child
By Rev. Marci Auld Glass February 8, 2022
The Rev. Victor H. Floyd: You’ve heard them preach; you’ve seen them lead worship; but do you really know your pastors? This is part 1 of a 3 series Adult Education & Spiritual Formation event on Getting to Know Your Pastors.
A group of Calvary folks in the Legacy Giving Circle
By Robin Morjikian February 4, 2022
Legacy giving is more than money. It’s a spiritual discipline prioritizing faithfulness over material things. Legacy gifts of any size combine to create a vision of abundance, ensuring the continued...
By Alison Faison January 27, 2022
During my early childhood education classes, I learned about ages and stages of children, developmentally appropriate practices, and family-centered early care and education. The recommended 2017 book, How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7 by Joanna Faber and Julie King, offers many practical ways for adults to reword our observations and requests of children, so that they will actually hear us and then respond by taking independent or cooperative action.
A full sanctuary of people holding up candles during the Christmas Eve service
By Rev. Marci Auld Glass December 22, 2021
Join us for Christmas Eve at Calvary! We are live and in-person with masks and vaccination required for all. Our Advent journey has led us to this moment when the...
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