Are you a young adult in your 20’s and 30’s
looking for a welcoming and open-minded community of faith?
The CYA (Calvary Young Adult) group offers a number of activities, focusing on the following areas:
Are you interested in joining CYA?
Do you want to host an event?
Let us know!
Rev. Joann Lee
Associate Pastor for Community Formation
415-346-3832 x 416
Our mission is to nurture and inspire our faith community to transform lives for Christ.
Church Office Hours
9:30am - 1pm
Monday - Friday:
10am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Calvary Presbyterian Church
2515 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
1 (415) 346-3832
Calvary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Tax ID # 94-1167431