Calvary cares for its members in many ways. Pastors and Deacons provide hospital and home visitation.
Deacons take chancel flowers to those who are recovering from illness, grieving, or celebrating. Christmas poinsettias and Easter flowers are shared with homebound members. Communion is served to the sick or homebound upon request.
On a weekly basis, Pastors and Deacons answer requests for prayer. Calvary’s Deacons also provide an Annual Thanksgiving Day Feast and an Annual Community Spiritual Wellness Event.
The storms of life are not optional. In this world, we are either walking through a storm, emerging from a storm, or headed into a storm. You do not have to walk alone.
Please contact us by web or phone. We are here for you.
Calvary’s Deacons embody holy ministries of compassion, witness, service and showing up. They share the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, and those burdened by unjust policies or structures.
Deacons are ordained officers and spiritual leaders among the congregation. Two co-moderators set the Deacons’ agenda and keep the Board focused. The Deacons’ ministry is advised by the Minister of Spiritual Care.
The Deacons and Program Staff pray through prayer requests on a weekly basis.
Deacons and Elders share the responsibilities for the offering and communion services.
Our mission is to nurture and inspire our faith community to transform lives for Christ.
Church Office Hours
9:30am - 1pm
Monday - Friday:
10am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Calvary Presbyterian Church
2515 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
1 (415) 346-3832
Calvary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Tax ID # 94-1167431