The re-opening task force met to review the changes to both California and San Francisco’s Covid Guidelines and have made some adjustments to our plans to re-open.
Because children cannot yet be vaccinated, we will continue to care for them by wearing masks in worship and at other events in the church building where children are. We will leave the distancing tape in the sanctuary for at least the next few weeks, as we adapt to being back together in more crowded spaces, but that will go away as our comfort increases and attendance increases.
Groups of fully vaccinated adults meeting for bible studies or meetings do not need to wear masks. We ask that unvaccinated people continue to wear masks and refrain from singing (and get vaccinated as soon as possible).
The choir and worship leaders will not wear masks when they are on the chancel or in the choir loft leading worship. Everyone participating in worship leadership is providing proof of full vaccination status.
Ushers will hold the offering plates (but not pass them down the aisles), so we ask that you pass offerings to the aisles or use the offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary if you don’t use online giving options.
We will meet for worship on June 27 in person at 10 am. The choir will sing. Vaccinated worshipers can sing hymns. We no longer need to pre-register or check in for worship services. All in person worship services will continue to be livestreamed on both Facebook and YouTube.
July 4, because of the holiday, worship will be online only, premiering at 10 am on Facebook and YouTube.
Beginning July 11 ALL worship services will be in person.
We still picture childcare starting again in September, but will have more information about that later this summer.
Our mission is to nurture and inspire our faith community to transform lives for Christ.
Church Office Hours
9:30am - 1pm
Monday - Friday:
10am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Calvary Presbyterian Church
2515 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
1 (415) 346-3832
Calvary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Tax ID # 94-1167431