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A headshot of Marci Glass. She is wearing thick black framed glasses and a teal necklace

Rev. Marci A. Glass

Pastor & Head of Staff

Marci Auld Glass is a graduate of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia.

Before joining us at Calvary, Marci served as Pastor & Head of Staff at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho. Before moving to Boise, she served in Youth Director roles at churches in New Mexico and Washington state.

She serves on the Board of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, Planned Parenthood’s Clergy Advocacy Board, Mission Responsibility Through Investment (the PCUSA’s committee that does corporate engagement and makes recommendations to the national church related to divestment), and the San Francisco Interfaith Council.

Marci and her husband, Justin have two sons: Elliott, in Colorado, and Alden, who lives with his wife Katrina in Charlotte, North Carolina. Marci also has another son, Eric, who she placed for adoption when she was in college. He and his wife Ashley live in Dallas, TX, with their children.

In her free time, she studies the Enneagram, watches almost every Warriors game, and is looking forward to the WNBA coming to the Bay this summer. 


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