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All of who you are is welcome here.

Calvary is a faith community that seeks to walk humbly with God. We live out our faith in the heart of San Francisco, welcoming the marginalized, seeking justice for the oppressed, and building community through worship, study, and fellowship.

Join us every Sunday at 10am for our Worship Service!
Worship With Us

We journey in faith, together.

Every Sunday, you'll hear our Pastors bring biblical stories and themes into conversation with the issues we face in our lives today.

Inspired by the radical ministry and life of Jesus, our Calvary community takes action toward a more inclusive, equitable, peaceful, and loving world. God welcomes us as we are and then challenges us to grow deeper in love, welcome, justice, and compassion.

Join us for Worship!

 Upcoming Calvary Events

Submit your art for our Calvary Church-wide Art Show between October 6-20. Click to read submission guidelines. Then, join us for the art show opening and reception on Sunday, November 3 at 11:15am in the lounge. Bring your friends!
Those who identify as a woman or nonbinary or agender are welcome to join us for the Women of Calvary Bible Study! Third Thursdays of the month from September 2024 to May 2025 from 6-7:15pm. Click to email Rev Joann for the Zoom link. Bible Study books are $10, please do not let cost be a barrier to your participation. Let Rev. Joann know when you email her for the Zoom link.
Our Annual Spiritual Wellness Retreat is here! Saturday, October 19 from 9am-noon. Reignite your sacred curiosity, recharge your spiritual batteries - we will be experiencing many ways to pray with interfaith prayers and more. Plus, free massages!
Join Alison Owings and Del Seymour at Calvary on Sunday, October 20 from 11:30am-12:30pm. Alison Owings is the author of a new book entitled: Mayor of Tenderloin - a story that depicts Seymour’s story about being homeless and addicted in the Tenderloin, and eventually became sober and creating organizations that teach and help fellow addicts, sex workers, dealers, ex felons how to get and keep a job. Click to register.
Dr. Linda Eckert is an accomplished physician and professor of OBGYN at the University of Washington Medical School. Her new book, Enough: Because we can stop cervical cancer, centers compelling stories of women with cervical cancer from 6 continents to wrestle with the interocking systems of oppression for reproductive health care that are preventing us from ending a preventable cancer. Join us on Wed, October. 23 at 7pm at Calvary. Click to register
Calvary young adults Mini golf!!! Friday October 25 (yes, there was a date change!). Show off your mini golf skills (or lack there-of) at Holey Moley Golf Club (1096 S Van Ness Avenue), an indoor mini golf course in the Mission with fun drinks and snacks. Some drinks come in a tub with a rubber ducky garnish or a unicorn cup! Our tee time is 7pm, so meet us there around 6:45pm. Please register below because our reservation is for 12 people (first 12 to RSVP will be playing). Others may come for food and drinks. Questions? Click to contact Joann Lee at
Our 4th annual Calvary Fall Festival is here! Families and friends and neighbors are all welcome to join us on Sunday October 27 from 11am-12:30pm for festivities, games, and sidewalk trick-or-treating. Costume wearing is encouraged!
We'd love to have your child join us to make happy music with a live jazz trio. All children ages 6-12 are welcome to join the Charlie Brown Children's Choir. Rehearsals will be throughout November and the show is on Sunday, December 8 at 5pm. Click to email Natalie for more info
Join a new fellowship club! Come run at the Calvary Run Club hosted by Sam Rushworth. The plan currently is to meet on Saturday mornings and go on a run together, but the club is new so we'll all make it up as we go along. Maybe end with coffee. Runners of all abilities and times are invited. Aspiring runners are also welcome! Click to email Sam.
Attention Calvary 6-12th graders! Join Jeff our Youth Director and other Calvary Youth at Pier 39 for a fun afternoon at the Flyer Thrill Zone. Saturday, November 16 from 2-6pm, cost is $43 and includes multiple activities. Click to register.
After worship on Sunday, November 17 at 11:30am we will have Matthew Black, a singer/songwriter known for his honest, earnest, questioning, and provocative songs. Come hear songs of protest and peace. Free!
Join us in our annual Calvary Young Adults (20s & 30s) Friendsgiving Feast! Friday Nov. 22 at 6pm at the Sheffield home. Please RSVP for location. Click to register. Bring a dish to share and we’ll provide the main dish and drinks. Yum!
Join us on Sunday, November 24 in the lounge after worship at 11:30am to hear stories from a Presbyterian Pastor on Pulpit Exchange for the Church of Scotland. Revs Marci Glass and Scott Rennie will discuss what they learned and experienced.
Our favorite event! The Charlie Brown Christmas Service will be held on Sunday, December 8 at 5pm. All are welcome to dance, be silly, and listen to a wonderful Christmas story. If your child is interested in joining the choir, please get in touch with us. See you then!

We love our wonderful Calvary community

A Calvary member holding up a sign that says
The deacons created a Spotify playlist that has each Deacon's
Graphic image that says
An image of a lemon tree branch that says

Selfless Love

We are called to show God’s love for the world and to manifest agape love – a deep and selfless commitment to the well-being of others.

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35


We actively seek to understand scripture and its meaning in our lives today, working to grow in our faith and relationship with God.

Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

& Diversity

We are all children of God. We proclaim that all are one family in Christ and seek to live like we mean it.

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 
Galatians 3:28

Justice for the Marginalized

We challenge ourselves to see systems and structures that disadvantage and oppress others – that stand in the way of God’s kingdom coming “on earth as it is in heaven,” and are willing to take part in seeking solutions.

God has told you, O Mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. 
Micah 6:8

From our Pastors

Whether online or in-person, now is a wonderful time to join the Calvary community in worship and friendship. A time to pray and learn. At Calvary we hope to be a welcoming community, living the Christian faith in word and action. Whether you are young or old, a spiritual seeker or a long-time church attender–you are welcome here. Special services are held throughout the liturgical year, with notice of the services appearing here on Calvary’s website as well as in our Sunday worship bulletin. We look forward to emerging from this time of pandemic, ready to respond to God’s dreams for our congregation and our community. Please join us. You are welcome here.

Rev. Marci Glass, Rev. Joann H. Lee, & Rev. Victor H. Floyd

A picture of Calvary's three pastors Victor, Joann, and Marci, and Music Director, Michael in front of the stained glass windows on the 2nd/balcony level of Calvary


  • What do I wear?

    Come as you are. You can wear your Sunday best, casual wear, or pajamas. Generally, our congregation dresses casual (tshirt and jeans) or business casual (button down/slacks or calf-length dress). If you come with an extravagant hat, we can assure you that you will get many compliments :) 

  • Can I join the Sunday Service Chancel Choir?

    Sure can! The Calvary Chancel Choir is a free, all volunteer choir. Rehearsals are every Sunday from 8:45-9:45am and you are invited to perform during the 10am service. You will be provided music, black choir booklet, and performance robe. We have added the new Fillmore Choir that is free to join on Thursday nights from 7-9pm for concerts and non-Sunday service performances. Contact our Music Director Michael Conley for more information about either choir.

  • What's the parking situation?

    Not always great! (Just being honest) While there is often street parking around Calvary, we do not have a lot or parking structure.

    We suggest walking, taking public transit (Muni #22 & #24), or using rideshare if possible.

    Another option is to use Sutter Health’s/CPMC’s garage at Clay and Webster. Their “community parking coupon” is just $8 for up to 6 hours after 5pm and on weekends.

    Ask at our front desk for one before you leave. 

  • I'm not sure if Calvary is the right place for me...

    That's perfectly fine! We understand. We hope you drop by for at least one service to see if who we are aligns with your path in life. In recent years, we've held events such as Drag Queen Bible Story Hour, Anti-Racism Workshops, joined the SF Night Ministry with serving folks in the Tenderloin, held a campaign to spread awareness about ending gun-violence, and have posted about the harm that the anti-LGBT 'Clobber Passages' have done to the queer community. Our head pastor, Marci, serves on the Clergy Advisory Board for Planned Parenthood, and the entire United Presbyterian Church denomination has been pro-choice for several decades and believe in women's reproductive autonomy. If these things inspire you, then you're in the right place! If they don't, that's a-okay – there are tons of different houses of faith/worship in San Francisco that align with different values and we hope you find the right place to call home :). Rest assured, though, you are always welcome to find sanctuary at our church. 

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